This sermon is going to show you that Israel was Not Under 400 Years of A slave under the Canannite Pharaohs known as King Tut, Ramses and the others.
In the Sermon Who was the Pharoah Moses stood up to we learn that this timeline is King Tut
And it came to pass in the first year of the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the third month, on the sixteenth day of the month, [2450 Anno Mundi] that God spake to Moses, saying: 'Come up to Me on the Mount, and I will give thee two tables of stone of the law and of the commandment, which I have written, that thou mayst teach them.'
What is the Current Year in Hebrew?
It is the Year 5783.
When did Moses Receive The Law and The Commandments?
[2450 Anno Mundi]
This means 5783-2450= 3333
3333 years ago Moses was alive and received the Law and The Commandment from Abba Yah.
The Law was given 3332 (now 3333) years ago. Before the Law we could not fully understand what God desired of us. After the Law was given, we understood what He desired of us, but found it impossible to keep the Law based on our own merit. ( this link was written in 2022)
When was Egypt taken Captive by the Canaanites?
Jubilees 46:8-16
And Joseph died in the forty-sixth jubilee, in the sixth week, in the second year, and they buried him in the land of Egypt, and [2242 A.M.] all his brethren died after him.
And the king of Egypt went forth to war with the king of Canaan [2263 A.M.] in the forty-seventh jubilee, in the second week in the second year, and the children of Israel brought forth all the bones of the children of Jacob save the bones of Joseph, and they buried them in the field in the double cave in the mountain.
And the most (of them) returned to Egypt, but a few of them remained in the mountains of Hebron, and Amram thy father remained with them.
And the king of Canaan was victorious over the king of Egypt, and he closed the gates of Egypt.
And he devised an evil device against the children of Israel of afflicting them and he said unto the people of Egypt: 'Behold the people of the children of Israel have increased and multiplied more than we.
Come and let us deal wisely with them before they become too many, and let us afflict them with slavery before war come upon us and before they too fight against us; else they will join themselves unto our enemies and get them up out of our land, for their hearts and faces are towards the land of Canaan.'
And he set over them taskmasters to afflict them with slavery; and they built strong cities for Pharaoh, Pithom, and Raamses and they built all the walls and all the fortifications which had fallen in the cities of Egypt.
And they made them serve with rigour, and the more they dealt evilly with them, the more they increased and multiplied.
And the people of Egypt abominated the children of Israel
From the time of the Invasion of Egypt by the Canaanites and the Exodus was only 187 Years.
2450 AM -2263 = 187 years of Israel being oppressed.
Who are the Canaanites Today?
But a scientific report published today reveals that the genetic heritage of the Canaanites survives in many modern-day Jews and Arabs.
Therefore, the Words of Abba Yah spoken to Abraham was not about the Egyptian Exodus but about the End Times as you have been 400 years a slave.
Genesis 15:13-
And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
Who are the Amorites?
H567-אֱמֹרִיʼĔmôrîy, em-o-ree'; probably a patronymic from an unused name derived from H559 in the sense of publicity, i.e. prominence; thus, a mountaineer; an Emorite, one of the Canaanitish tribes:—Amorite.
The Tribes of Canaan Ham's Son who is a cursed lineage.
Genesis 10:15-19
15 And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth,
16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite,
17 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite,
18 And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad.
19 And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha.
We learned in part 3 of How Noah Divides the land that Canaan was cursed because of what Ham had done to Noah.
To read about the curse of Ham
Now that we established that Israel was not 400 Years a Slave under the Pharoah's Let us look at what happened in 1623-2023 or 400 years ago from today.
What Happened to Lead King James to Translate The Bible?
The Vatican Doctrine Of Discovery
The Catholic doctrine of discovery is a term that refers to a series of papal decrees that granted permission to European powers to colonize and enslave non-Christian lands and peoples in the 15th century
Papal bulls — from the Latin bulla, meaning the “seal” with which such documents were authenticated — are principally not doctrinal statements. In the papal bulls Dum Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493), the popes of the time attempted to regulate what the European crowns were doing.
In the first two, Pope Nicholas V gave the Portuguese rights to lands in Africa, and beyond, and to subjugate non-Christians in those territories. Inter Caetera was issued by Pope Alexander (Borgia) VI, giving the Spanish crown all the lands in the Americas west of the extant Portuguese holdings. Columbus had only sailed the previous year.
King James:
As an arts patron, James employed the architect Inigo Jones to build the present Banqueting House in Whitehall, and drama in particular flourished at his court.
Although he believed that kings took their authority from God, James accepted that his actions were subject to the law. Unable, like many of his predecessors, to put royal finances on a sound footing, James was often in dispute with his Parliaments.
Was King James Legitimate King Under the Roman Catholic Church?
James I reigned as king of England from 1603 to 1625. He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots, and he had been king of Scotland before succeeding to the English throne at the death of Queen Elizabeth I. He was prompted to produce an English Bible because of the poor and tendentious copies being circulated in England. He feared these could be used by seditious religious and political factions.
His authority was one usurped from the Catholic Church, beginning with his predecessor King Henry VIII. Henry had broken with the Catholic Church and made himself the head of the Church in England
Why did Henry Break Away from the Catholic Church?
Henry’s basic concern was political, but the alterations in the structure of the church gave scope for a reformation that was religious in character. Part of the impulse came from the survivals of Lollardy, part from the Lutheran movement on the Continent, and even more from the Christian humanism represented by Erasmus. Although Henry retained much Catholic doctrine, especially transubstantiation, and ecclesiastical organization, he did introduce important changes, including the suppression of the monasteries, the introduction of the Bible in the vernacular in the parish churches, and permission to the clergy to marry, though this last reform was later revoked. The resistance to Henry’s program was not formidable, and the executions resulting were not numerous. Henry was impartial in burning some Lutherans who would not submit to his later reactionary legislation and toward some Catholics who would not accept the royal supremacy over the church, notably John Fisher and Thomas More.
On his ascent to the throne in 1547, young Edward VI was hailed as England’s Josiah, the young 7th-century-BCE king of Judah who enforced the Deuteronomic reform. Edward, it was held, would rid the land of idolatry so that England might be blessed. Protestantism advanced rapidly during his reign through the systematic reformation of doctrine, worship, and discipline—the three external marks of the true church. A reformed confession of faith and a prayer book were adopted, but the reformation of the ecclesiastical laws that would have defined the basis of discipline was blocked by the nobility in Parliament.
King James was correct. As we have learned that the Unholy Roman Catholic Government has removed book of The Bible to fit their narrative. King James was the Last King Appointed By Abba Yah.
Who Wrote The King James Bible?
“Let there be light.” “My brother’s keeper.” “Fight the good fight.” A number of the most well-known phrases in the English language originated not in novels, plays, or poems but in a seminal translation of the Bible, the King James Version (KJV), which was published in 1611 at the behest of King James I of England. It is likely the most famous translation of the bible and was the standard English Bible for nearly three centuries. Many people think that it’s so named because James had a hand in writing it, but that’s not the case. As king, James was also the head of the Church of England, and he had to approve of the new English translation of the Bible, which was also dedicated to him.
So if James didn’t write it, who did? To begin with, there’s no single author. One individual—Richard Bancroft, the archbishop of Canterbury—was notable for having the role of overseer of the project, something akin to a modern editor of a collection of short stories. The actual translating (writing) of the KJV was done by a committee of 47 scholars and clergymen over the course of many years. So we cannot say for certain which individual wrote a given passage.
When were the Books Removed From the Bible?
In the year 1611 the Holy Bible was translated from Latin to English; and at that time the Bible contained a total of 80 books. The last 14 books that made up the end of the Old Testament were as follows:
1 Esdras
2 Esdras
The rest of Esther
The Wisdom of Solomon
Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah
The Songs of the 3 Holy children
The history of Susana
bel and the dragon
The prayer for Manasses
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees
In the year 1684 these 14 books were removed from all versions of the Holy Bible except the 1611 edition; which was the first edition translated to English.
When did Settlers come To America?
The Separatists had sought religious freedom before, fleeing England in 1607 and 1608 to settle in the Netherlands, first in Amsterdam and later in the town of Leiden, where they remained for the next decade. Wanting to secure their English language and heritage, and seeking more economic opportunity, the group–later known as the Pilgrims–laid plans for a voyage to the New World aboard the Mayflower
Did you know? Three more ships traveled to Plymouth soon after the Mayflower, including the Fortune (1621), the Anne and the Little James (both 1623). Passengers on these first four ships were called the "Old Comers" of Plymouth Colony, and were given special treatment in later colonial affairs.
Why Did the Separatist Leave?
Separatist, also called Independent, any of the English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who wished to separate from the perceived corruption of the Church of England and form independent local churches. Separatists were most influential politically in England during the time of the Commonwealth (1649–60) under Oliver Cromwell, the lord protector, who was himself a Separatist. Subsequently, they survived repression and gradually became an important religious minority in England.
What did The Separatist Believe?
A fundamental belief of the Separatists was the idea of the “gathered church” founded by the Holy Spirit, not man or the state. Believing that true Christian believers should seek out other Christians and together form their churches, Separatists emphasized the right and responsibility of each congregation to determine its own affairs, without having to submit those decisions to the judgment of any higher human authority. That notion stood in contrast to the territorial basis of the Church of England, in which everyone in a certain area was assigned to the parish church, and each local parish submitted to the oversight of the larger church hierarchy.
Why Did the Separatists Leave?
The Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) was the background for the intensification of a desire for spiritual renewal. Although historical research has modified the exaggerated contemporary accounts of the war’s effects, it is unquestionable that distress in central Europe was widespread and profound. In some places the economy was reduced to barter, schools were closed, churches were burned, the sick and needy were forgotten. Spiritual and moral deterioration accompanied the physical destruction.
Dutch Pietism—influenced by Englishman William Ames (1576–1633), whose Medulla Sacrae Theologiae (1623; The Marrow of Sacred Theology) and De Conscientia (1630; On Conscience) were basic textbooks for federal or covenant theology and Puritan casuistry in England and New England—was represented by Willem Teellinck, Johannes Coccejus, Gisbertus Voetius, and Jodocus van Lodensteyn. Impulses from these men became a part of the reform movement that had already appeared in German Lutheran circles and was to be known as “Reform Orthodoxy.” Important representatives of Reform Orthodoxy were Johann Arndt (1555–1621) and Johann Dannhauer (1603–66). The “pectoral [heart] theology” of these orthodox Lutherans found its highest expression and widest audience in the writings of Arndt, who may well be called the “father of Pietism.” His chief work, Four Books on True Christianity (1606–10), was soon being read in countless homes. Although Arndt stressed the notion of the unio mystica (mystical union) between the believer and Jesus, a 17th-century Lutheran doctrinal addition, the central Arndtian theme was not that of mystical union but stressed repentance, regeneration, and new life, which would become the essence of Pietism.
We have Always Been Hunted Down and the United States Is the Last Strong Hold to Fall Because of the Great Falling Away. King James translated the Bible so that you can Understand what the Roman Empire Does To You. As discussed in Prior Sermons,
After the settlement of the Protestants
In autumn 1621, the colonists celebrated the successful harvest by sharing a feast with some of the local Native Americans that they had established relations with. This was the first "Thanksgiving" feast, now one of the biggest US national holidays.
But war later followed in the 1660s, as thousands of Native Americans were killed or sold into slavery or indentured servitude by English colonists
King Philip’s War, also called Great Narragansett War, (1675–76), in British American colonial history, war that pitted Native Americans against English settlers and their Indian allies that was one of the bloodiest conflicts (per capita) in U.S. history.
Wars will Never end until Abba Yah Returns. What was suppose to be freedom from oppression, became the worse war in the United States to date. 400 Years A slave, the History of My family and those who were kill in the battle were suppose to be Abba Yah's People also as they understood His Words, Yet they did not prevail either in a Land That Isn't their.
