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Writer's pictureAngel of Ephesus

Reality & Society: What is Culture, Norms, Mores, & Folkways ?

This sermon is going to explain that Race is Not What keeps us separated, culture differences are. We are 1 Race and that is mankind, unless you can show me another race of humans, we need to eliminate the word race and really look at what divides us.

When we don't understand someone who is different than us, we tend to classify this as racism.

Race is defined as:

A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical traits

Race is a social construct and to read more about race please visit the sermon on:

Society & Education: The History of Race and Racism-Created by Scientists Not Yah ( as I have covered this topic. You can also listen to this sermon in season 1 episode 15 of River City Revival or visit this Spotify: Link:

To better understand our differences, we need to look culture, norms, folkways, mores and laws. These are the real differences that cloud peoples minds and makes one judgmental and intolerant to others.

What is Culture?

Culture is the umbrella term which surrounds the social behavior and norms found in human society.

Culture includes: belief, knowledge, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of individuals in societal groups.

Culture is Not Race as we are 1 Race and that is Mankind!!

The methods most commonly used in a given society helps distinguish ones culture from another.

What Are Norms?

Norms are fundamental concepts in the social sciences. Most commonly defined as rules or expectations that are socially enforced.

Norms maybe:


encouraging behavior, (being honest)


discouraging negative behavior (Do not Cheat)

4 Types of Norms

1. Folkways:

Folkways are traditional behavior or ways of life of a particular community or group of people.

Examples of Folkways:

the concept of appropriate dress, the practice of raising one's hand to take turns speaking in a group, and the practice of "civil inattention"—when we politely ignore others around us in public settings.

2. Mores:

The essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a society.

Customs are:

Also known as traditions or common way of doing things. Customs are handed down from the past. Example of customs include: shaking hands, religion, bowing.

Convention means:

selection from among two or more alternatives, where rule or alternative is agreed upon among participants. Often the word refers to unwritten customs shared throughout a community. An example of a convention is when strangers are introduced, they shake hands.

Convention are usually accepted ways of behaving or doing something

3. Taboos:

Taboos are an implicit prohibition on something usually against utterance or behavior and is based on a cultural sense that is excessively repulsive, or perhaps to scared for ordinary people.

Examples include: Muslims and Jews Do Not Eat Pork, Asking a woman's age in Western Civilization, and in Polynesian communities it is forbidden to touch the shadow of a chief.

4. Laws

Laws are written and enforced rules that guide behavior. It is a system of rules that are enforced by some institution, like police or government.

Laws are different than Mores because they are guided by authority as opposed to society's moral beliefs.

For example: Murder-

Mores define murder as wrong because it violates our collective sense of morality.

Law defines murder as wrong in a more specific way and there is a punishment attached.

5. Sanctions

The ways we might punish or reward people for breaking or following culture norms.

Sanctions are a form of Social Control and are external factors. Sanctions are both positive and negative depending on situation. Sanctions are designed to create or maintain social norms

Sanctions are both formal and informal.

For example, government and organizations use law enforcement mechanisms and other formal sanctions such as fines and imprisonment.

Informal sanctions may include shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval, which can cause an individual to conform to the social norms of the society. In extreme cases, sanctions may include social discrimination, exclusion, and violence.

When we understand that Cultural Differences and lack of understanding others is what keeps us divided as Mankind, we can work together as the Body of Our Creator to create, educate and Restore our homes, lives and communities in which we live. When we understand Cultural Differences, we learn that we are All the Same, we may have different ways of expressing ourselves, different ways of doing things, but that does Not Mean we didn't come from the Same Creator!!


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