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Reality & Society: History of the Roman Catholic Church Government & Armies-Part 5

Writer: Angel of EphesusAngel of Ephesus

Part 5 will be the rundown of the Armies that serve the Unholy Roman Catholic Church. Where appropriate I will ask questions

Again Mystery Babylon is your Entire World. The pope (All of them) are your false prophets and the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.

150-120 BC manipular legion- Roman Legion (

The earliest contemporary account of a Roman legion is by Polybius, and it dates to around 150-120 BCE; this is referred to as the manipular legion, although the manipular legion probably developed around the middle of the 4th century BCE.

The Roman Army consisted of four Legions, each with the strength of roughly 4200 infantrymen.

The Legion, when formed up for battle, had three lines of infantry: first were the hastati, then the principes, and finally the veteran triarii. Each of these three lines contained five manipuli of 120 hastati, 120 principes, and sixty triarii. A maniple was further subdivided into two centuriae of sixty each hastati and principes, and thirty triarii. Each century had six squads; a squad, aptly named contubernium (“tenting-together”) in Latin, shared a tent when the Legion went on campaigns.


Following the Marian Reforms in 107 B.C., Roman Legions were heavily restructured. The three lines of distinct infantry present in the Manipular Legion were abandoned in favor of the new legionnaires.

Legions contained ten cohorts. Each cohort, roughly 480 legionnaires, was subdivided into six centuries of eighty men each. Centuries were then divided into ten eight-man contubernia.

27 BC-The Praetorian Guard -(

was the Imperial Guard of Rome. This guard was an elite corps of soldiers, established to guard the Emperor of the Roman Empire.

As early as the second century B.C., special units were selected to shadow famed Roman leaders such as Marc Antony, Scipio Africanus and Lucius Cornelius Sulla whenever they ventured into the field. Julius Caesar later enlisted his tenth legion as personal security, but the Praetorian Guard as we know it didn’t appear until shortly after Augustus became Rome’s first emperor in 27 B.C. After ascending to the throne, Augustus established his own imperial guards comprised of nine cohorts of 500 to 1,000 men each. The unit would endure as a symbol of imperial might for over 300 years. By A.D. 23, it even operated out of its own fortress, the Castra Praetoria, located on the outskirts of Rome.

The Praetorians were known to engage in espionage, intimidation, arrests and killings to protect the interests of the Roman emperor. For clandestine operations, they may have employed a special wing of troops known as “speculatores.” Formerly a reconnaissance corps under the Roman Republic, by the imperial era this unit had graduated to serving as couriers and intelligence operatives in the service of the Caesar

In time the Praetorian Guard became very nearly the Emperor's private bodyguard, and in the end they became very much a problem. They were concentrated in Rome, and there came a time when the Praetorian Guard became nothing less than king-makers. Inevitably it was their nominee who was made Emperor every time, since they could impose their will by force, if need be, upon the populace. Edward Gibbon claimed that the Praetorian Guard "was the first symptom and cause of the decline of the Roman empire."

Does the pope have an army? (

The Swiss Guard of the Vatican is the only Swiss Guard that is still active today. The unit was founded by Pope Julius II in 1506. Many guards died protecting a later pope during the looting of Rome of 1527 (commemorating the anniversary of this 'martyrdom' has since become a tradition).

Paul Was imprisoned by the praetorian guard- (

Upon entering the city of Rome, "Julius, a centurion of the Augustan Regiment" (Acts 27:1) handed Paul over to the Prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the commanding officer). The official duty of the Prefect was to keep in custody all accused persons who were to be tried before the Emperor. "Now when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard; but Paul was permitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him." (Acts 28:16).

476 AD- Roman Catholic church Took over Rome (

During the 1st century of the church (c. 30–130), the Roman capital became recognized as a Christian center of exceptional importance. In the late 2nd century CE, there were more manifestations of Roman authority over other churches. In 189, assertion of the primacy of the Church of Rome may be indicated in Irenaeus’s Against Heresies: “With [the Church of Rome], because of its superior origin, all the churches must agree… and it is in her that the faithful everywhere have maintained the apostolic tradition.In 195 CE, Pope Victor I, in what is seen as an exercise of Roman authority over other churches, excommunicated the Quartodecimans for observing Easter on the 14th of Nisan, the date of the Jewish Passover. Celebration of Easter on a Sunday, as insisted on by the pope, is the system that has prevailed.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, the Catholic Church became a powerful social and political institution and its influence spread throughout Europe.

The Development of Papal Supremacy

During the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire, and throughout the Middle Ages, the office of pope not only gained supremacy over the entire Christian Church but also developed political power rivaling that of the secular rulers of Europe.

This is not power given by Abba Yah but by the Serpent they worship. Remember the Vatican is shaped like a serpent. They don't worship Yah instead they mock Him and Always have.

When Constantine became emperor of the Western Roman Empire in 312, he attributed his victory to the Christian God. Many soldiers in his army were Christians, and his army was his base of power. With Licinius (Eastern Roman emperor), he issued the Edict of Milan, which mandated toleration of all religions in the empire. Decisions made at the Council of Nicea (325) about the divinity of Christ led to a schism; the new religion, Arianism, flourished outside the Roman Empire. Partially to distinguish themselves from Arians, Catholic devotion to Mary became more prominent. This led to further schisms.

What is Arianism?

The main difference between the beliefs of Arianism and other main Christian denominations is that the Arians did not believe in the Holy Trinity, which is a way that other Christian churches use to explain God.

I don't believe in the Trinity either. Yah is El Elyon, Creator, Alpha Omega, I AM. He dwells in me via His Holy Spirit which is His Words in which I live out the best way I can. Yahusha The Elect One, The Son of Man who was chosen from the foundations of Creation, who came in OUR Fathers Name: Yahusha= Yah is Salvation. Only Yah can save and all who believe in Yahusha our Messiah will be saved. (There is DNA Proof of Yahusha as Yah's Son! Sermon coming soon)

1095-1102 AD-The First Crusade

was the first of a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and at times directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The initial objective was the recovery of the Holy Land from Islamic rule. These campaigns were subsequently given the name crusades.

1119 AD- The Knights Templar

Templar, also called Knight Templar, member of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, a religious military order of knighthood established at the time of the Crusades that became a model and inspiration for other military orders. Originally founded to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, the order assumed greater military duties during the 12th century. Its prominence and growing wealth, however, provoked opposition from rival orders.

In 1139 Pope Innocent II issued a bull that granted the order special privileges: the Templars were allowed to build their own oratories and were not required to pay the tithe; they were also exempt from episcopal jurisdiction, being subject to the pope alone.

The rule of the order was modeled after the Benedictine Rule, especially as understood and implemented by the Cistercians. The Knights Templar swore an oath of poverty, chastity, and obedience and renounced the world, just as the Cistercians and other monks did. Like the monks, the Templars heard the divine office during each of the canonical hours of the day and were expected to honour the fasts and vigils of the monastic calendar. They were frequently found in prayer and expressed particular veneration to the Virgin Mary.

What does veneration mean? (Merriam Webster)

1 : respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person. 2 : the act of venerating. 3 : the condition of one that is venerated.

Some common synonyms of venerate are adore, reverence, revere, and worship.

Who are the Cistercians?

The Cistercians (/sɪˈstɜːrʃənz/) officially the Order of Cistercians (Latin: (Sacer) Ordo Cisterciensis, abbreviated as OCist or SOCist), are a Catholic religious order of monks and nuns that branched off from the Benedictines and follow the Rule of Saint Benedict.

What is the Benedictine Rule?

Benedictine, member of the Order of Saint Benedict (O.S.B.), member of any of the confederated congregations of monks, lay brothers, and nuns who follow the rule of life of St. Benedict (c. 480–c. 547) and who are spiritual descendants of the traditional monastics of the early medieval centuries in Italy and Gaul. The Benedictines, strictly speaking, do not constitute a single religious order, because each monastery is autonomous.

What are Confederations?

A confederation (or confederacy) is a voluntary alliance of sovereign, independent states established to manage matters of common concern to the member states, such as defense. The verb confederate has traditionally meant to form an alliance that carries out the will of a coalition of interests, none of which surrenders sovereignty to the confederation.

What is the Benedict Rule/ St. Benedict?- (

Benedict was a devout Italian Christian who became a monk at the age of 20, wishing to withdraw from the world after he visited Rome and was shocked by how immoral life in the Holy City had become. He founded his own monastery in 529.

The Benedictine Rule is strict—its main theme being absolute obedience to the Abbot.

(This is Brainwashing At its Finest:)

The first step of humility is to obey without delay. This is proper for those who — because they have promised holy subjection, or because of the fear of hell, or the glory of life everlasting — hold nothing more precious than Christ. The moment the Abbot commands anything they obey instantly as if commanded by God Himself.

How to become Humble - (This is Not of Yah At All!!!!)

1. Always to have the fear of God before one’s eyes, shunning all forgetfulness and always remembering all of God’s commands, always thinking about how those who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and about the everlasting life of those who fear God.

6. To be content with the meanest and worst of everything, always considering oneself a bad and worthless workman.

7. To declare with the tongue and believe in the inmost soul that one is the lowest and vilest of men,

Is This Rule Still in Effect Today? -(Question I asked Google)

The Rule of Saint Benedict has been used by Benedictines for 15 centuries, and thus St. ... His Rule was written as a guide for individual, autonomous communities, and all Benedictine Houses (and the Congregations in which they have grouped themselves) still remain self-governing.

Shouldn't they be following the Rule of Life of Abba Yah? For None of these Rules are written in Your Bibles!!!! None of these Rules were Spoken by Abba Yah either. OMG these poor souls. Abba Yah isn't in this religious mess at all.

Knights Templar- (

The Rule of the Knights Templar called for them to never retreat, surrender, or charge without being ordered to do so—excellent features for any army that needs to remain disciplined.

The Rule of the Knights Templar called for them to never retreat, surrender, or charge without being ordered to do so—excellent features for any army that needs to remain disciplined.

In 1307, however, the order was destroyed by a cruel and conniving king of France, Philip IV. Philip used a popular wish for the Templars and Hospitallers to be merged into one military super-order as a pretext for investigating their practices and then confiscating their wealth. Their collapse was swift and dramatic, as the king’s lawyers and papal inquisitors accused the brothers of corruption, blasphemy, and sexual crimes. By 1312 the Templars had been disbanded. Their last master, James of Molay, was burned at the stake as a heretic in Paris in 1314.

The Order of Christ-(

The Military Order of Christ, previously the Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ, is the former Knights Templar order as it was reconstituted in Portugal after the Templars were abolished

The Order of Christ, as a papal decoration, or order of merit, is also a historical survival of the right, anciently reserved to the Holy See, of admitting new members into the Portuguese order.

member of the Society of Jesus (S.J.), a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its educational, missionary, and charitable works. The order has been regarded by many as the principal agent of the Counter-Reformation and was later a leading force in modernizing the church.

Particular emphasis was laid upon the virtue of obedience, including special obedience to the pope. Emphasis was also placed upon flexibility, a condition that allowed Jesuits to become involved in a great variety of ministries and missionary endeavours in all parts of the world.

Also known as “God’s Marines” or “The Company,” the order of priests and brothers was founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 with six other students at the University of Paris. St. Ignatius had a military background, and early adherents referred to themselves as the “Company of Jesus,” hence both of the nicknames that live to this day.

As the head of the new order, Ignatius sent his priests throughout Catholic Europe to start schools, colleges and seminaries. By Ignatius’s death in 1556, the Jesuits had already founded 74 colleges on three continents. With missionary work as a core value, the Jesuits have been known for spreading Catholicism throughout the world. Pope Francis’s namesake, St. Francis Xavier, is in particular credited with the Church’s expansion in Asia.

Called the “Rules for Thinking with the Church,” the directives stated with stunning unambiguity, the Society’s obedience to the church. Rule number 9 says that members will do whatever it takes to “uphold the precepts of the Church.” The oft-quoted rule 13 is even stricter: “If the Church have defined anything to be black, which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.”

Francis Xavier, a saint and one of the founding members of the society, established an Inquisition in Goa, India in 1545. Like the more popular and well-documented inquisitions in Europe, the idea was to stamp out heresy and heretics. The inquisition in this Portuguese colony persisted for almost three centuries before being called off in 1812.

What Was The Roman Catholic Church Role in The Holocaust? (facing

Church leaders and clergy held a range of opinions about National Socialism. Some Catholic leaders welcomed Hitler’s call to “overcome the un-Germanic spirit” and feared that “atheistic communism” was more of a threat to the Catholic Church than the Nazis were. Others opposed the Nazis. According to historian Doris Bergen, “Many German Catholic clergy were initially suspicious of Nazism. They saw Nazi ideas as anti-Christian, especially the emphasis on race and blood and the obvious disrespect for human life . . . some priests had refused to administer the sacrament of communion to church members in Stormtrooper or SS uniforms."

Some who opposed the Nazis also urged great caution; they were fearful of attacks on priests and nuns. That concern prompted officials of the Vatican to discuss with Hitler the possibility of an agreement: the Church would pledge to abstain from political activity in Germany in exchange for the Reich’s promise not to persecute the Catholic Church and its members.

Catholic anti-Semitism began long before the twentieth century. For centuries, Catholics persecuted Jews, crowding them into ghettos, forcing them to convert to Christianity, and frequently killing them. For centuries, Catholics accused Jews of ritually murdering Christian children, engaging in sorcery, poisoning wells and desecrating images of Christ. For centuries, Catholics were taught that Jews — all Jews — were cursed because they had killed Christ, a position that was not officially condemned until 1965.

Why would Anyone Remain Apart of something that killed Millions of People? The Unholy Roman Catholic Church Doesn't care about Yah or you if you happen to find this ministry.

We are All Called To Come out of the Beast System. This world is Not Your Friend.


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