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Reality of Yahuah: Carbon 14 Dating Is Bogus: Founded by JD Rockefeller To Lead All Astray

Writer's picture: Angel of EphesusAngel of Ephesus

This sermon is going to discuss how Carbon 14 dating is a lie and cannot be an accurate measure of time. We will be discussing how JD Rockefeller founded the University of Chicago, the university that "founded" carbon 14 dating which is used throughout the world to determine the age of our history.

1892- JD. Rockefeller founds The University of Chicago

This is the same JD Rockefeller that has put petrochemicals into our medicine and the same Rockefeller that called natural remedies, natural medicine and natural healing a bad thing.

What Discoveries have been made at The University of Chicago?

  • the first self-sustaining, nuclear chain reaction,

  • Carbon-14 dating,

  • discovery of the atmosphere's jet stream,

  • REM sleep,

  • establishment of the first blood bank,

  • and the nation's first living donor liver transplant.

Since this sermon is on Carbon 14 Dating we will not discuss how JD Rockefeller established and funded the means to develop weapons of mass destruction known as Nuclear Weapons.

Carbon 14 Dating How Does It Work?

According to the site called

Cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere are constantly converting the isotope nitrogen-14 (N-14) into carbon-14 (C-14 or radiocarbon). Living organisms are constantly incorporating this C-14 into their bodies along with other carbon isotopes.

When the organisms die, they stop incorporating new C-14, and the old C-14 starts to decay back into N-14 by emitting beta particles. The older an organism's remains are, the less beta radiation it emits because its C-14 is steadily dwindling at a predictable rate. So, if we measure the rate of beta decay in an organic sample, we can calculate how old the sample is. C-14 decays with a half-life of 5,730 years.

To better understand why Carbon 14 Dating is bogus we will dissect these paragraphs.

What Are Cosmic Rays?-

  1. a highly energetic atomic nucleus or other particle traveling through space at a speed approaching that of light.

  2. Cosmic rays are atom fragments that rain down on the Earth from outside of the solar system. They blaze at the speed of light and have been blamed for electronics problems in satellites and other machinery.

  3. Discovered in 1912, many things about cosmic rays remain a mystery more than a century later. One prime example is exactly where they are coming from. Most scientists suspect their origins are related to supernovas (star explosions), but the challenge is that for many years cosmic ray origins appeared uniform to observatories examining the entire sky.

(World War 1 was 2 years later in 1914, it is important to note that all major changes in education and policies are done during war time)

What is in A Cosmic Ray?

For the Information on Cosmic Rays, we will use information from: Cosmic Rays (

Cosmic rays (also called cosmic radiation) mainly comprise high energy nucleons (protons, neutrons and atomic nuclei). About 90% are hydrogen nuclei (a single proton with an atomic number of 1). They have been stripped of their electrons and so are ionised.

Can you create Carbon from Hydrogen?

The Answer is No, because carbon is its own element and the atomic structure contians 6 electrons out of 8, it has its own atomic number because it is its own element, and

Burning H2 does not produce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. That is good news for the climate.

Let's Continue...

Cosmic rays pass through our galaxy at close to the speed of light. Their flight paths are uniform across the galaxy; they strike the Earth at random orientations.

How Fast is The Speed of Light?

186 282 miles per second

Cosmic rays are essentially normal matter that has been accelerated to near light speed by the shock waves produced from supernovae. The particles bounce about in the magnetic field of the remnant anomaly until they gain sufficient energy to escape the system, whereupon they become cosmic rays.

What is a supernova?

  1. a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.

We know that we are in an enclosed environment and that NASA means to Lie, Beguile and Deceive in Hebrew, but let us continue vetting this lie out too.

When cosmic rays collide with atoms in our atmosphere, they cause a cascade of reactions – we call this the ‘cosmic ray cascade’.

The first interaction is when the high energy particles collide with nuclei in the upper atmosphere. They cause a ‘spallation’ reaction. A spallation reaction is a nuclear reaction where a highly energetic nucleon (usually a secondary cosmic-ray neutron of energy) collides with a target nucleus. This causes the release of multiple particles (protons, neutrons and clusters).

These particles cause a wave of secondary interactions and spallation reactions. The accelerated particles cause a cascade of interactions in the upper atmosphere as they strike more atmospheric nuclei, creating additional particles and high energy radiation. The particles continue in the same direction, while photons are emitted in all directions. Net energy is lost to the atmosphere.

Does the Upper atmosphere contain carbon?-

Earth's atmosphere is composed of approximately

  • 78 percent nitrogen,

  • 21 percent oxygen,

  • 0.93 percent Argon,

  • 0.04 percent carbon dioxide

  • as well as trace amounts of neon, helium, methane, krypton, ozone and hydrogen, as well as water vapor.

If you are unaware Carbon Dioxide is different than just plain carbon, so the real answer is No. Let us continue...

How Is Carbon Formed?-BIOdotEDU (

The core of a red giant is compressed and compressed, until, at last, the forces are strong enough to begin fusing helium nuclei (called "alpha particles") together to form larger atoms such as carbon.

What is a Red Giant?

a very large star of high luminosity and low surface temperature. Red giants are thought to be in a late stage of evolution when no hydrogen remains in the core to fuel nuclear fusion.

Can you Convert Nitrogen into Carbon?

The answer is NO. These are two separate Cycles and Two Separate Elements

Carbon Cycle: Photosynthesis, deposition, and decomposition are the important processes of the carbon cycle.

Nitrogen Cycle: Fixation, mineralization, nutrition, and denitrification are the important processes of the nitrogen cycle

What does a neutron break down into?

Neutrons disappear through a process called neutron beta decay, transforming themselves into protons by emitting an electron (shedding a negative charge to become positively charged) and an antineutrino.

What is Antineutrino?

Antineutrinos are the antiparticles of neutrinos. The antineutrino is an elementary subatomic particle with infinitesimal mass (less than 0.3eV..?) and no electric charge. Antineutrinos are produced in the negative beta decay.

What is Beta Decay?

  1. radioactive decay in which an electron is emitted.

How is Carbon 14 Produced?

Carbon-14 is produced in the upper layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere by thermal neutrons absorbed by nitrogen atoms. When cosmic rays enter the atmosphere, they undergo various transformations,

How Much Carbon is In the Body?-

The most important structural element, and the reason we are known as carbon-based life forms. About 12 per cent of your body's atoms are carbon.

How much Carbon is in Plants?- google search

Plants are 45 percent carbon.

Simply stating, they the scientists do not need to study cosmic rays to determine how carbon breaks down since our bodies are 12 percent carbon, we have the carbon cycle that determines the break down.

How Much carbon 14 is in a live person

Carbon-14 is present in the human body at a level of about 0.1 microcurie (or 100,000 pCi) in adults, and it behaves in the same manner as other carbon isotopes. Most carbon-14 is almost completely absorbed upon ingestion, moving quickly from the gastrointestinal tract to the bloodstream.

When a living being (plant, animal, human) dies, there is no more exchange of carbon and thus carbon-14 of this being with the atmosphere. Thus, due to the radioactive decay of carbon-14, the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 decreases beginning at the time of death.

If the exchange of carbon stops when a person, plant or animal dies, how is carbon 14 dating valid? The answer is It is not, and it is made up to lead the world astray. Not to mention that artifacts do not absorb cosmic rays.

Carbon 14 Dating is a lie and thus cannot prove the age of anything.


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