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Reality: Discerning of Spirits & Hidden Truths in Plain Sight: Yoruba Worship & Public Figure

Writer's picture: Angel of EphesusAngel of Ephesus

In my studies I took world of music. I did not know why I was lead to take this course but as I continued to learn and ask Yah for guidance, He told me I needed this. Now I know why and how I can use my knowledge to shed light on what is going on today.

If you have not figured it out, the cultures, the religions, the cults and practices of old have reemerged. There has been an awakening in the forces of evil. What once was has come again. One such culture reemerging in the Yoruba. This tribe is associated with idolatry, magic, witchcraft and oracles. Everything that Yahuah has commanded of Us to flee from, has come back and it seem like 1000 times worse.

Recently the 44th president of the United States was at the Smithsonian. This event was to unveil a portrait that is to hang in the gallery with all the presidents before him. However, the person who painted this picture, well he needs to be exposed for who he really is.

This post will also shed light on a popular musical artist and her ties to Yoruba, and what she did to ensure her twins future.

History of Yoruba:

The Yoruba are one of the largest African ethnic groups south of the Sahara Desert. They are, in fact, not a single group, but rather a collection of diverse people bound together by a common language, history, and culture. Within Nigeria, the Yoruba dominate the western part of the country. Yoruba mythology holds that all Yoruba people descended from a hero called Odua or Oduduwa. Today there are over fifty individuals who claim kingship as descendants of Odua.

During the four centuries of the slave trade, Yoruba territory was known as the Slave Coast. Uncounted numbers of Yoruba were carried to the Americas. Their descendants preserved Yoruba traditions. In several parts of the Caribbean and South America, Yoruba religion has been combined with Christianity. In 1893, the Yoruba kingdoms in Nigeria became part of the Protectorate of Great Britain. Until 1960 Nigeria was a British colony and the Yoruba were British subjects. On October 1, 1960, Nigeria became an independent nation structured as a federation of states.

What do the Yoruba Practice?

As many as 20 percent of the Yoruba still practice the traditional religions of their ancestors.

The practice of traditional religion varies from community to community. For example, a deity (god) may be male in one village and female in another. Yoruba traditional religion holds that there is one supreme being and hundreds oforisha,or minor deities. The worshipers of a deity are referred to as his "children."

There are three gods who are available to all. Olorun (Sky God) is the high god, the Creator. One may call on him with prayers or by pouring water on kola nuts on the ground. Eshu (also called Legba by some) is the divine messenger who delivers sacrifices to Olorun after they are placed at his shrine. Everyone prays frequently to this deity. Ifa is the God of Divination, who interprets the wishes of Olorun to mankind. Believers in the Yoruba religion turn to Ifa in times of trouble. Another god, Ogun (god of war, the hunt, and metalworking), is considered one of the most important. In Yoruba courts, people who follow traditional beliefs swear to give truthful testimony by kissing a machete sacred to Ogun.

Shango (also spelled Sango and Sagoe) is the deity that creates thunder. The Yoruba believe that when thunder and lightning strike, Shango has thrown a thunderstone to earth. After a thunderstorm, Yoruba religious leaders search the ground for the thunderstone, which is believed to have special powers. The stones are housed in shrines dedicated to Shango. Shango has four wives, each representing a river in Nigeria.

The Yoruba who practice other religious are divided about evenly between Muslims (followers of Islam) and Christians. Nearly all Yoruba still observe annual festivals and other traditional religious practices.

Shango: god of thunder:

As stated Sango is one of the most popular cults that cut across Yorubaland. In

Shao, the cult was brought to the community through Bioku who accompanied prince

Olanibo, the first Ohoro from Oyo-Ile. A Sango worshipper, Bioku brought with him a

number of deities, which became established in Shao. He became the chief priest for Sango

cult with the title, Ekerin Mogba. The family compound, Ile Ekerin is located in the Oke

Siniga Ward of Shao. Like every other religious cult, the adherents of Sango continued to

grow from this family. Some joined the cult through the influence of friends. 7 Apart from

this means, some also became members because their parents, on inquiry from Ifa, discovered

that Sango is their child’s chosen Orisa from heaven.

Beyonce and Yoruba

As she represented Osun at the Grammy awards and also in her Lemonade video, Beyonce is therefore now Yoruba and so should follow our customs and traditions especially now that Osun has blessed her with Sir Taiwo Carter and Rumi Kehinde Carter. Osun is a Yoruba river deity and one of her realms is fertility. When you go to a Yoruba deity for a request, and that request is granted, you have to give some honour to the deity. Those twins belong to Osun.

Taiwo and Kehinde are Yoruba names given to twins in the order that they are born. First out is Taiwo, and then Kehinde. Although Kehinde is said to be the one with more authority who gave Taiwo the command to exit the womb.

The Yoruba people also consult the Ifa oracle to know the things that the child should do, and things the child should not do, things to eat, and things that the child must stay clear of. All these are done to ward off the uncertainties that might want to affect the child in the future. Unlike the western world, the Yoruba people don’t usually disclose the gender of a child until after delivery. This is still practice among the Yoruba people.

Who is Kehinde Wiley?

  • What does Kehinde mean?

Kehinde is a given name of Yoruba origin meaning "the second-born of the twins" or the one who comes after Taiwo.[1][2] Though Taiwo is the firstborn, it is believed that Kehinde is the elder twin, sending Taiwo into the world first to determine if it is time to be born.[3]

  • Wiley was born in Los Angeles, California. His father is Yoruba from Nigeria, and his mother is African-American. As a child, his mother supported his interest in art and enrolled him in after-school art classes. At the age of 12, he spent a short time at an art school in Russia.[6]

  • Wiley did not grow up with his father, and at the age of 20 traveled to Nigeria to explore his roots and meet him.[7] Wiley earned his BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1999 and his MFA from Yale University, School of Art in 2001.[1]

The artist who painted Obama: Kehinde Wiley's other work

  • The artist who painted former President Obama’s portrait, which will be added to the America’s Presidents exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C., previously painted images of black women holding severed heads of white women.

  • There are at least two instances where Kehinde Wiley painted portraits of black women holding a knife in one hand and the decapitated head of a white woman in the other.

  • In an interview with New York Magazine, Wiley said one of the controversial portraits was based on a stay-at-home mom he found at the mall and the woman’s head she was holding was based on one of his assistants.

  • “It’s sort of a play on the ‘kill whitey’ thing,” Wiley told NYMag.

Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) 5:19-21

That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Yashar'el draw nigh and come, that we may know it!

Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own sight!

For more information:

Yoruba masquerades



Education on Yoruba people, culture and music:

On Music of the World, 2nd edition

Connect for Education catalog at


Portrait of Apollyon: Jonathan Kleck

Beyonce Channels goddes of water: Face Like the Sun


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