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Education: What they are NOT Allowed to teach in Schools: Real History

Writer's picture: Angel of EphesusAngel of Ephesus

Updated: Feb 2, 2018

Did yo know that NASA means to deceive? Hebrew's 5377 nasha means:

נָשָׁא nâshâʼ, naw-shaw'; a primitive root; to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or (morally) to seduce:—beguile, deceive, × greatly, × utterly.

So much of our lives we have been taught lies. One after one, time after time, generation, after generation. Lies. Here at Lion's Tares we vow to uncover these lies and educate you to the Truth.

Let us look at Enoch, Scripture that has been removed out of basic Bible (still included in Roman Catholic priests) and understand who taugh man knowledge.

Enoch 7:2-10

2And when the Watchers the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other, let us select for ourselves women from the progeny of men and let us beget children.

3Then thier leader Shemiy'aza said to them; I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise;

4 And I alone shall suffer for so grevous a crime.

5 But they answered him and said; We all swear;

6 And bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking

7 Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was 200, who descended upon Ardis which is the top of Mount Chermon.(Hermon)

8That mountian therefore was called Chermon, because they sworn upon it, and bound themselves by mutual execrations.

9 These are the names of thier chiefs: Shemiy'aza who was thier leader, Urakabarame'el, Akiybe'el, Tamiy'el, Ramu'el, Dan'el,Azke'el, Sarakny'al, Asa'el, Armers, Batra'al, Anane, Zavebe, Samsave'el, Erta'el, Tur'el, Yomya'el, Arazy,al. These were the perfects of the 200 angels, and the remainder were all with them

10 They took women each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom the cohabited, teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees.

Enoch 8

1 Moreover Aza'zel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of pain, the beautifying of the eyebrows, stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.

2 Impiety increased; fornication multiplies; and they transgressedand corrupted all their ways.

3 Amazarak taught all the sorcerers and dividers of roots:

4 Armers solution of sorcery;

5Barkay'al the obsrvers of the stars,

6 Akiybe'el signs

7 Tamiy'el taught astronomy;

8 and Asarad'el taught the motion of the moon

9 And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voices reached to heaven.

Let us now look at a few people we are forced to reguard as great and valuable to our everyday life.


1. Belief in asceticism: The origins of asceticism lie in man’s attempts to achieve various ultimate goals or ideals: development of the “whole” person, human creativity, ideas, the “self,” or skills demanding technical proficiency.

2. Belief in dyonysus: Pythagoras (peTHAgeres) lived from around 582 to 507 and was another Greek on the coast of Asia Minor. From there he migrated to Croton, a Greek city in Italy. He believed in the magic of the gods and was influenced by the cult that worshiped the god Dionysus. He believed that the dust one can see floating about in sunlight was pulled about by a spirit.

3. Non of his actual work was ever writen down by him: The evidence suggests that Pythagoras did not write any books. No source contemporaneous with Pythagoras or in the first two hundred years after his death, including Plato, Aristotle and their immediate successors in the Academy and Lyceum, quotes from a work by Pythagoras or gives any indication that any works written by him were in existence.

4. He currently has a practicing cult Ran by the Free Masons in Prince Hall Masonry: The Order of Pythagorans was founded and introduced to Prince Hall Masonry by Past Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful James A. Revaleon, in Boston, Massachusetts, 1936. The Order was organized in the State of Ohio through the aggressive efforts of Grand Master Charles F. Casterman, on April, 11 1946.

The purpose of the Organization was to provide a club for boys, emphasizing programs for their Education. Social, Vocational, Physical and Moral development.

The Order was named after Pythagoras (591 B.C. - 50c B.C.), a noted Greek Philosopher and Mathematician, who traveled extensively throughout Egypt, Chaldea and Asia. Pythagoras was a contemporary with many of the Hebrew Prophets and Leaders. Because of his fortitude and constancy, he was initiated into the mysteries of Hebrew and Egyptian learning's. On his return to Samos, his home country, Pythagoras established a school, whereby he taught the mystical powers of Numbers, along with their relationship with Life and the Universe.

Sir Issac Newton:

1. Moonlighting as a Conjurer of Chemicals Newton’s interest in alchemy has long been known in broad outline, but the scope and details of that moonlighting enterprise are only now becoming clear, as science historians gradually analyze and publish Newton’s extensive writings on alchemy — a million-plus words from the Newtonian archives that had previously been largely ignored.

2. Believed to be the last magician of Babylon Newton described such work as chymistry. And the word is a useful reminder—with its echo of modern “chemistry,” yet archaic spelling—of what alchemy meant to people in Newton’s time. Today, most people think of alchemists as either foolish necromancers or lowlifes obsessed with chrysopoeia—turning base metals into gold.

3. The Philosopher's Stone: (yes Indiana Jones fans... You read that correctly)

The "philosopher's stone" was a mythical substance that alchemists believed had magical properties and could even help humans achieve immortality.

4. Belonged to "clubs": Though Newton was largely considered a reclusive personality and not prone to socializing, during his lifetime being a member of "Societies" or "Clubs" was a very popular form of interpersonal networking. Considering his esteemed social status, it is probable that Newton would have had a least some contact with such groups at various levels. He was most certainly a member of The Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge and the Spalding Gentlemen's Society,[27][28] however, these are considered learned societies, not esoteric societies. Newton's membership status within any particular secret society remains verifiably allusive and largely speculative, however, it still lends itself to popular sensationalism.

Benjamin Franklin

1. Belonged to Hell Fire Club: The Hellfire Club was the popular name for an exclusive English club that met irregularly from 1746 to around 1763, run by Sir Francis Dashwood. The very term "Hellfire Club"is a mockery of the Scriptures. This is equivalent to the reprobates who nicknamed Las Vegas, "Sin City." The elaborate labyrinth of passages in Franklin's secret society were fashioned in such a manner that it appeared as if one were descending into Hell; hence the term, "Hellfire Club."

2. Franklin had human bones in his basement: In 1998, conservationists were doing repairs on 36 Craven, looking to turn Franklin’s old haunt into a museum. “From a one metre wide, one metre deep pit, over 1200 pieces of bone were retrieved”—remnants of more than a dozen bodies,  says Benjamin Franklin HouseSix were children. Forensic investigations showed that the bones dated to Franklin’s day. Read more: Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

3. Wrote as women, even dressed as one or two: f that name sounds improbable, well, that’s because it’s made up: Silence Dogood — like Martha Careful, Busy Body, Alice Addertongue and Polly Baker — were all Benjamin Franklin, writes PBS. In fact, he wrote believably in the voice of the 40-year-old widow when he was just 16: proof of his talent as a writer. Read more: Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

4. Franklin the Spy: Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents—but safeguarding state secrets was not among them. According to a recently released article by a CIA analyst, when Franklin was on a diplomatic mission in France, he allowed his offices to be penetrated by British spies during a crucial period in the American Revolution.

For more on Pythagoras:

For more on Newton:

I want to thank Truthstream Media for the information they provide. I know investigation is time consuming. For in depth info:



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