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Education & True Word of Yah: Book of Jubilees: Noah Divides The Land After The Flood Part-3 Ham

Writer's picture: Angel of EphesusAngel of Ephesus

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

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Part 1 Education & True Word of Yah: Book of Jubilees- Noah Divides The Land After The Flood. Part 1 ( Part one talks about Jubilees and Pangea before the Flood up to Noah dividing Shem's Inheritance.

Part 2 Education & True Word of Yah: Book of Jubilees: Noah Divides the Land After The Flood - Part 2 Shem ( Part 2 is about the land division given to Shem ( this excludes how he divided his land between his children.)


Yapat (Japheth)=the north (cold weather)

Sham (Shem)=the middle of the earth (blended weather)

Cham (Ham)=the south (hot weather)

Shem's portion consists of:

All of Asia: China, India, Philippines, Japan... but not the Sinai peninsula this is Ham's

Russia: The Urals are the dividing line. The Capital of Russia and everything east is Japheth's the rest is Shem's.

All of Eden: The North Pole

The Whole Land of the Red Sea: Iran, Iraq...The Medes

We (me and Abba Yah) will be using the same maps and introducing new ones to define Ham and Japheth's land divisions (part 4). This sermon was going to be on both Ham and Japheth's inheritance however due to indoctrination and yes the changing of our History: we need to discuss how Ham Divided his Territories between his sons.

Abba Yah reminded me to state this: Maps are to be read like you would His Language and all ancient languages from East to West and not west to east which is why He had me flip some maps. This means Reading the maps from Right To Left

The Green Indicates Japheth's Territory. The Golden Yellow is Shem's and the Purple is Ham's.

Ham's Inheritance

Jubilees 8:22-24

And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards the south to the right of the Garden, and it extends towards the south and it extends to all the mountains of fire, and it extends towards the west to the sea of 'Atel and it extends towards the west till it reaches the sea of Ma'uk -that (sea) into which everything which is not destroyed descends.

And it goes forth towards the north to the limits of Gadir, and it goes forth to the coast of the waters of the sea to the waters of the great sea till it draws near to the river Gihon, and goes along the river Gihon till it reaches the right of the Garden of Eden.

And this is the land which came forth for Ham as the portion which he was to occupy for ever for himself and his sons unto their generations for ever.

(photo is a Gleason Map)

Boarders of Ham's Inheritance:

west to the edge of Eden

south from Africa to South America

As we did in parts 1 & 2 we will be using the true layout of the land as pictured in the map from Gleason's Map. Our Directions in Jubilees work best if our map is flipped upside down. (Nothing gets excluded or changed by doing this and Its what Abba Yah said to do so I did) Isaiah 29:16-19 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?

17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?

18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.

Jubilees 8:22

And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards the south to the right of the Garden, and it extends towards the south and it extends to all the mountains of fire, and it extends towards the west to the sea of 'Atel and it extends towards the west till it reaches the sea of Ma'uk -that (sea) into which everything which is not destroyed descends.

This map is a map of the Rivers from Eden which are now below the sea. Did you know: there are many lost civilizations resting at the bottom of the sea? We will discuss one when we talk about South America.

beyond the Gihon towards the south to the right of the Garden,

Using our first map we will go beyond the Gihon to the south and to the Right of Eden will put us at South America. If you are unaware, there are pyramids all over the world. Our Ancestors Ham, Japheth, Shem and everyone else were not Neanderthals. They were Brilliant and built cities that we are just now discovering. The technology that we are remembering were of the olden days as well for we are reminded in Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

These pyramids are located in the waters around Cuba.- Archeology World

The remains of what may be a 6000-year-old city immersed in deep waters off the west coast of Cuba was discovered by a team of Canadian and Cuban researchers.

Offshore engineer Paulina Zelitsky and her husband, Paul Weinzweig and her son Ernesto Tapanes used sophisticated sonar and video videotape devices to find “some kind of megaliths you ‘d find on Stonehenge or Easter Island,” Weinzweig said in an interview.

We must remember that the land we see today was Different than the Land Noah knew. As Continental drifts, tides, and other natural occurrences has changed the shape of the land.

and it extends towards the south and it extends to all the mountains of fire,

This puts us at Indonesia and Australia. This is not talking about the ring of fire that we are accustom to.

Gunung Api Wetar (Gunung Api = Fire Mountain) volcano forms a small round island in an isolated location in the Banda Sea, Indonesia.

It can be said that Indonesia is a country having the most active volcanoes in the world. Indonesia has a great number of volcanoes in the world. There are 147 volcanoes, and 76 of them are the active volcanoes and spread along the islands of Sumatra, Java, Celebes, and Lesser Sunda

and it extends towards the west to the sea of 'Atel and it extends towards the west till it reaches the sea of Ma'uk -that (sea) into which everything which is not destroyed descends

The Sea of Atel was extremely hard to find and according to my research was an ancestor to the Caspian Sea.

The Caspian Sea is the world's largest inland body of water, variously classed as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea. As an endorheic basin, it lies between Europe and Asia; east of the Caucasus, west of the broad steppe of Central Asia, south of the fertile plains of Southern Russia in Eastern Europe, and north of the mountainous Iranian Plateau of Western Asia

Caspian Sea Biodiversity Project under umbrella of Caspian Sea Environment Program

The Atel reservoir emerged some 50 thousand years ago under conditions of arid climate. Its water used to cover only the depressions of the Middle and Southern Caspian. Apparently, the level of Atel Lake was lower than that of the present Caspian by 50m. Obviously, that this lake, as well as other regressive water bodies – ancestors of the Caspian existed for a short period. Probably, a level, lower than the present, with full dessication of the Northern Caspian remained for only a few millennia. We should note that the regression continued, under subsequent climate cooling and moistening. Arid conditions occurred only at the beginning of the life of Atel Lake. Its further history passed by under more cold and humid climatic conditions. In any case, cold-loving flora and mammoth fauna gained broad distribution in lower stretches of the Volga during that time. As Atel Lake existed for a rather short period of time, its sediments are rather thin. The microsculpture of valves of Cyprideis torosa refers to the salinity of Atel Lake of 20-22 gr/l.

Speaking about Atel Lake, it is necessary to tell that the most significant breaking point in the evolution of both water and land organisms during the whole Quaternary period occurred during its lifetime. Stratigraphic data convincingly confirm that the most essential changes in the fauna and flora related to one geological stage coincide with the Atel regression.

Remember The Atel Sea now named The Caspian Sea is in Shem's Territory. Going Back to our maps and journeying west of the Caspian as our directions tell us:

we arrive at The Sea of Ma'uk. again hard to find.

the sea of Ma'uk -that (sea) into which everything which is not destroyed descends

Jubilees chapter 7 gives us some detail regarding the name the location Ma'uk. This portion is Before The Land is Divided

Jubilees 7:13-14, 17

And Ham knew that his father had cursed his younger son, and he was displeased that he had cursed his son. and he parted from his father, he and his sons with him, Cush and Mizraim and Put and Canaan. And he built for himself a city and called its name after the name of his wife Ne'elatama'uk

And behold these three cities are near Mount Lubar; Sedeqetelebab fronting the mountain on its east; and Na'eltama'uk on the south; 'Adatan'eses towards the west.

Ham's Territory Contains All of Africa and the Sinai Peninsula

If it wasn't his then the ancient names for Ethiopia and Egypt would not be the Names of his children. Many people have been lead astray on purpose again to cause chaos and conflict. Remember This is Before any Nations have been Scattered because of Disobedience or taken into Captivity but Anyone.

This map was part of a set of 22 maps dedicated to William, Duke of Glouchester,(24 July 1689 – 30 July 1700) who was then an 11 year old student at Oxford. Edward Wells was a Church of England clergyman and advocate for education. He published prolifically, including several atlases of the ancient and contemporary world. Wells was the son of a vicar and entered Christ Church, Oxford in late 1686. Notice how the land is Divided and named.

Jubilees 9:1

And Ham divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, and to the west of him for Put, and to the west of him [and to the west thereof] on the sea for Canaan.

The sons of Ham are: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. These names are important because they give us the location of Ham's territory. This territory as well will be divided amongst the sons of Ham. Shem and Japheth divided theirs amongst their children as well.

Mizraim is the Hebrew and Aramaic name for the land of Egypt, with the dual suffix -āyim, perhaps referring to the "two Egypts": Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Mizraim is the dual form of matzor, meaning a "mound" or "fortress," the name of a people descended from Ham.

Cartographic sources: Ortelius own two-sheet map of Ancient Egypt, dedicated to the humanist and medical doctor Scipio Fabio from Bologna, which appeared in 1565, and for which Ortelius mentions as sources Diodorus, Herodotos, Strabo and Plinius (Meurer p. 21-22).

The Sinai Peninsula has been a part of Egypt from the First Dynasty of ancient Egypt ( c. 3100 BC). ... In periods of foreign occupation, the Sinai was, like the rest of Egypt, also occupied and controlled by foreign empires, in more recent history the Ottoman Empire (1517–1867) and the United Kingdom (1882–1956).

Cush-H3568-כּוּשׁKûwsh, koosh; probably of foreign origin; Cush (or Ethiopia), the name of a son of Ham, and of his territory; also of an Israelite:—Chush, Cush, Ethiopia.

Put-H6316-פּוּט Pûwṭ, poot; of foreign origin; Put, a son of Ham, also the name of his descendants or their region, and of a Persian tribe:—Phut, Put.

De L' AFRIQUE translates to of Africa and this map is from 1683. Notice how Huge Libya is. You can clearly see the boarders of each territory given to Put( Libya) and Cush (Ethiopia).

Remember we are being fed a false narrative when it comes to our history. Modern history hides on purpose what was once know as shown in our ancient maps. This hidden history is a modern day event because society tells you our Abba Yah is dead or confines Him into the box of religion. WE Must Do our Parts To Shine our Lights on His Truth.

Next we are going to identify Canaan's land given to him. First we need to understand Canaan was cursed twice. Then we will locate what was suppose to be his land and discover that he wasn't having it and stole land that he wanted which is why there is a Promised Land and that land belongs to Shem. Everything up to the Mediterranean Sea not including the Sinai Peninsula (Ham) is Shems.

Jubilees 7:8-10

And Ham saw Noah his father naked, and went forth and told his two brethren without.

And Shem took his garment and arose, he and Japheth, and they placed the garment on their shoulders and went backward and covered the shame of their father, and their faces were backward.

And Noah awoke from his sleep and knew all that his younger son had done unto him, and he cursed his son and said: 'Cursed be Canaan; an enslaved servant shall he be unto his brethren.'

Jubilees 7:11-12

And he blessed Shem, and said: 'Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.

God shall enlarge Japheth, and God shall dwell in the dwelling of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.'

Genesis 9:22-27 states the exact same thing as Jubilees. Canaan was cursed because Ham saw his father naked. This is Not Canaan's entire line...right now its just him. However we are going to read why he and his descendants are cursed forever next.

Jubilees 10:29-34

And Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt, that it was very good, and he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west (that is to) the sea, and he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea.

And Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers said unto him: 'Thou hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will fall in the land and (be) accursed through sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shalt be rooted out for ever.

Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot.

Cursed art thou, and cursed shalt thou be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the holy judge, and in the presence of Noah our father.'

But he did not harken unto them, and dwelt in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the entering of Egypt, he and his sons until this day.

And for this reason that land is named Canaan.

As you can see in the above map from 1692 we see that the Land of Lebanon also called Canaan because he stole it includes: Israel, Jordan, Syria and Present day Lebanon.

This is why Israel is Called the Promised Land because It falls in Shem's Nation and thus belongs to Shem. Whey do you think there is so much chaos and destruction over there? Why do you think people fight to protect the holy lands? This land theft done by Canaan is why.

Canaan didn't listen and his descendants in this instance became cursed forever. They took a holy pledge to inhabit the lands they were given. When you pledge before Abba Yah and break it you bring about a curse upon you and your line.

Definition of sedition

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

The Mediterranean Sea was suppose to have been Canaan's Land. Jubilees 9 tells us this.

Jubilees 9:1

And Ham divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, and to the west of him for Put, and to the west of him [and to the west thereof] on the sea for Canaan.

Canaan was to have the lands on the Mediterranean sea. Following the directions the land of Put(Libya) west we come to the Mediterranean sea.

Below is an 1873 map of the Mediterranean Sea. I chose this map as it is the only one I could find that highlights all or nearly all the land/ Islands of The Mediterranean as this was Canaan's land he was to have had. Remember it has to be the Islands in the sea because nobody else's land can touch. We Read what happens when someone else steals land that isn't theirs to inhabit.

There are over 3,000 islands and many more islets in the Mediterranean Sea. Its two largest in terms of both size and population are the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia. (Sardinia has giants and maybe this is why Canaan disobeyed his assigned lot???either way he went against what he vowed.) We know this to be Only the Islands as we continue to break down Jubilees 8 and outline the Rest of Ham's Territory

Jubilees 8:23-24

And it goes forth towards the north to the limits of Gadir, and it goes forth to the coast of the waters of the sea to the waters of the great sea till it draws near to the river Gihon, and goes along the river Gihon till it reaches the right of the Garden of Eden.

And this is the land which came forth for Ham as the portion which he was to occupy for ever for himself and his sons unto their generations for ever.

Limits of Gadir is: Cadiz, Spain- Encyclopedia Britannica

Cádiz, city, capital, and principal seaport of Cádiz provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Andalusia, southwestern Spain. Traditionally said to be founded as Gadir (meaning “an enclosure”) by Phoenician merchants from Tyre as early as 1100 bc,

Gadir/Spain is the Northern most portion of Hams Territory. It does Not include the Rest of the land the around the Mediterranean Sea, but along the coast of the sea and the land with in the waters (and Lebanon Is Not Included in this Ever!) then circles back around Africa until it reaches the Right of The Garden of Eden and as we discussed in Part 1- The Garden of Eden is The Philippines and not in Africa.

Ham's Territories:

The Mediterranean Sea and Its Islands Only

Africa and Sinai Peninsula

South America/Latin America

The Islands in the Caribbean

Australia and Indonesia- and surrounding Islands

All island that are warm

Religion and this world's education systems are your beasts you need to over come. Breaking down Jubilees gives us understanding how people have been All over this earth and archology proves this to be accurate. However what mainstream archeologist want you to believe are those that get paid to push the agenda. There are people who want to know the truth as badly as I have and hopefully you as well. Abba Yah says Seek and Ye Shall Find.

He also says Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.


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